
Author of the NEW Book "Taking the 5 Leaps"

Join 10k+ in our community of inspiring believers to walk in their purpose and assignment as they boldly take leaps of faith. Founder of the I Can’t Come Down Movement, Host of Taking the LeapS podcast & Moody Published Author. Devoted wife, mother, and Ohio native. Discover more at RachelGScott.Com

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The Wall Communications Newsletter

Hey Reader,Welcome to July's issue of The Wall Communications Newsletter. What's New With The I Can't Come Down Movement? Guess What?! We're Having Our First Retreat In 2025! The doors are open for the PurposeFilled Bible Study Reset Retreat, January 23-26, 2025, in Uniontown, Ohio. Join us at a cozy 1940 farmhouse nestled on 54 scenic acres; the retreat offers a panoramic countryside view and an 8.5-acre pond for a time to rest, reset, refill, and fellowship with sisters in Christ. Only 22...

LEAP BEYOND YOUR COMFORT ZONE WATCH NOW Hey Reader, Ever wondered how to embrace a leaping lifestyle even when you're comfortable right where you are? Recently, I had an amazing chat about this and more on 100 Huntley Street with my Daniel Im. We delved into how to live a leaping lifestyle outside of our comfort zones, navigating the challenging season of being in the sandwich generation, and recognizing the significance of every leap God calls us to take. If you're seeking wisdom and...

Hey Reader, I hope this email finds you well! I'm thrilled to share that the thirteen days of our Nehemiah study are now live on my YouTube channel. If you missed any episodes or haven't started yet, it's not too late to join the series. This time in Nehemiah has been a journey of fresh revelation and deep dives into his powerful story, and I know it will bless you beyond measure. Watch the Nehemiah Study today. START HERE Additionally, to enhance your experience, I encourage you to download...

Hey Reader, The ending of Nehemiah is not quite what we expected! After 12 chapters of rebuilding the wall and seeing God's hand at work, chapter 13 feels like a harsh dose of reality. When Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to find the people in a worse condition then when he left them, He is furious. His responds should lead us to examine ourselves and our own spiritual integrity. In Nehemiah 13, we unpack some hard but necessary truths that will bless you if you watch all the way through....

Hey there, Reader! As we come close to the end of our study in the book of Nehemiah, I want to draw your attention to a powerful lesson from Nehemiah Chapter 12 - the importance of worship in the rebuilding process. In today's video teaching, we unpack how Nehemiah establishes a standard of worship for the holy people. Holy people worship. They express their thanksgiving through worship and dedicate themselves to the God who helps them complete the work He calls them to. Worship and the...

Hey Reader, Have you ever felt like there were gaps or empty spaces in your life? Places that felt vulnerable to the enemy's attacks? I know I have. But in today's powerful Bible study on Nehemiah 11, we discover how Nehemiah helped repopulate Jerusalem after the Israelites returned from exile. The enemy was looking for those empty, vulnerable places to attack, and Nehemiah knew they needed to fill the city to keep it secure. I know it's not always easy. Following Jesus often requires...

Hey Reader, Have you ever made a promise to God, only to find yourself struggling to keep it? I know I have. In today's Bible study on Nehemiah 10, we see the Israelites making a solemn promise to God after recognizing how far they had fallen. Why? Because they realized that as God's set apart people, they were called to a different standard of holiness. They couldn't live like everyone else - and neither can we. So how do we keep our promises to God, even when it's hard? Learn all about it...

Hey Reader, Have you ever looked back on difficult seasons of your life and struggled to see God's hand at work? I know I have. But in today's Bible study on Nehemiah 9, we will discover the depth of a powerful truth as we see how He was always there! Never recount your past without seeing where God was in the midst of it. Without acknowledging both, we can fall into guilt and shame. But when we consider our history and God's presence in it, it brings freedom and life! I dive much deeper into...

Hey Reader, Wow, can you believe we're already at Nehemiah chapter 8? I feel like this study has flown by, but there are still so many incredible truths to unpack from God's Word. In today's powerful video teaching, we see the Israelites entering a new phase of their freedom journey - spiritual freedom. Nehemiah and Ezra knew that in order for the people to maintain their physical freedom from slavery, they needed to be reminded of God's standard of holiness that would keep them spiritually...

Hey Reader, As we continue our journey through the book of Nehemiah, chapter 7 packs a powerful punch! Though it may appear to be just a list of names and numbers at first glance, there is so much wisdom to glean. Though the physical work was done, Nehemiah knew the people were still vulnerable. They were small in number, still learning to trust God and each other, and needed protection from both physical and spiritual attack. In today's Bible study video, we unpack three key aspects Nehemiah...