
Author of the NEW Book "Taking the 5 Leaps"

Join 10k+ in our community of inspiring believers to walk in their purpose and assignment as they boldly take leaps of faith. Founder of the I Can’t Come Down Movement, Host of Taking the LeapS podcast & Moody Published Author. Devoted wife, mother, and Ohio native. Discover more at RachelGScott.Com

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HeyReader, Have you ever felt like you might be holding something back from God? I recently came across a video that stopped me in my scroll. It said, "Satan dines on what we withhold from God." Whew! That hit me deep. It made me pause and ask myself, "God, what am I withholding from you?" So Reader, are you withholding from God? If there is anything, I want to encourage you to watch today's video. Learn the questions to ask yourself and how to surrender all that you are holding. There is...

LISTEN IN TO UNCOVER HOW TO STAY FAITHFUL AND CONNECTED TO GOD IN MINISTRY LISTEN NOW Hey Reader, Are you stewarding the opportunities God has given you in ministry? If you’re looking for some faith-filled perspectives and advice, I’ve got something special to share with you! I recently enjoyed chatting with Nikki Dutton on the More With Nikki Dutton podcast. We had a great conversation about ministry, staying faithful and connected with God, and maintaining consistency in Bible study, among...

Hey Reader, As we wrap up our study of the book of Ephesians, chapter 6 leaves us with some timeless wisdom and truth to carry with us. In today's video, we unpack several powerful lessons. One is that the Word of God is our ultimate weapon in the spiritual battles of life. As the world grows darker, we must have truth imprinted on our hearts to avoid deception. With that in mind – I pray this final day of the study of Ephesians encourages you mightily. So, watch this study today to dig into...

Hey Reader, Do you ever struggle to spend quality time with God? To truly understand what it means to live like Jesus? I totally get it. Life is busy, and it's hard to be consistent in our Bible time. But as Paul reminds the Ephesians, we are called to "live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ." (Ephesians 5:2). So I encourage you to dig into the Ephesians 5 Bible Study HERE to unpack living in the Light, living by the Spirit + more, and take your quiet time even further...

LISTEN IN TO UNLOCK HOW TO WALK OUTYOUR GOD ASSIGNMENT AS A MARRIED COUPLE LISTEN NOW Hey Reader, Are you feeling stuck on how to move forward in the assignment God has given you and your spouse? If so, I’ve got some encouragement just for you! Recently, I had the pleasure of joining Carlie Kercheval on the Wives of Integrity Podcast, where we chatted about the different leaps of faith that God calls us to in marriage and how you and your spouse can confidently walk out your assignment...

Hey Reader! Did you know God has given us each a special gift to serve the church? It's true! Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 about five specific gifts: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. I believe God has called you to do great things for His Kingdom. But it starts with understanding the gifts He's given you and walking in unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ. To fully grasp this, take a moment to dive into the full Ephesians 4 Bible study video HERE. Then, go...

Hey Reader,Welcome to August's issue of The Wall Communications Newsletter. What's New With The I Can't Come Down Movement? Find Purpose in Secluded Seasons! I have exciting news! A new YouVersion devotional from Vivian Cumins, a contributor for Rachel G. Scott and Friends, is now available. Here’s a glimpse into the plan — Did you know a vinedresser is someone who nurtures, balances, and cultivates grapevines? They oversee every aspect of the vineyard, from planting and pruning to...

Hey Reader, When you think of the church, what usually comes to mind? A building with a steeple? A preacher delivering a sermon from a pulpit? If you're unsure, I'm excited to share that Paul dives into the full spiritual reality of what the church truly is in Ephesians 3. And in today's powerful Bible study, we unpack many surprising truths about the church that every believer needs to know. So Reader, I encourage you to watch the entire Ephesians 3 Bible Study video here – and don't forget...

Hey Reader, As we dive into Ephesians 2, Paul doesn't hold back as he reveals the depth of sin and what it does to our lives. He reminds us that without Christ, we are dead in our sins. Separated from God and following the passionate desires of our sinful nature. Phew, those are some heavy words! But there is Good News and we're going to explore that and more in today's study of Ephesians 2. I encourage you to watch the full Ephesians 2 Bible study video here and download the accompanying...

Hey Reader, After our Nehemiah Bible Study wrapped up, I asked which book of the Bible you wanted to study next, and the answer was clear: Ephesians! So, on Monday, our Ephesians study officially started! If you'd like immediate access to the new studies as they launch, simply subscribe to the YouTube channel. 😊 But if you prefer getting updates via email, that works too! As we dive into the book of Ephesians, I am SO excited for the truths God wants to reveal to each of us. Paul's letter to...